Hot Stones Massage

This truly relaxing massage is now one of the most sought after therapies in the UK and around the world. Hot basalt stones are used with a soothing oil to relax your muscles through a deeper intense massage. 

The tradition of performing massage using hot stones is used in diverse cultures around the world and can be traced back to India more than 5000 years ago.  There are references as far back as 440BC of stones being heated and used (with olive oil) to massage the body and assist in healing arts.

Basalt stones are made from igneous rock which has been formed by rapidly cooling lava. The hot stones are used as an extension of the therapist’s own hands and also by placement to key points on the body to activate and balance energy pathways (the meridians) throughout the body. The stones vary in shape and size so they can be used effectively depending on the desired effect.  The heat from the stones penetrates deeply into the muscle tissue allowing the muscles to relax quickly.

Hot stones massage can be used to help a variety of ailments or just simply for deep relaxation. It is particularly effective for relieving muscle tension, rheumatic or arthritic conditions, back pain, stress and anxiety.

Effects and Benefits

  • Promotes deep levels of relaxation reducing stress and anxiety
  • Helps to alleviate depression and emotional trauma
  • Helps to improve posture
  • Relieves tight muscles, stiffness and spasms
  • Increases flexibility and range of movement
  • Improves circulation bringing fresh oxygen and nutrients to the area.
  • Aids removal of waste and toxins from the muscles
  • Reduces muscular fatigue
  • Increases lymphatic drainage and reduces oedema

Treatment: 60 mins – £65.00, 90 mins – £90.00 

Please note Fit n Well is exclusivey for ladies.

To book an appointment or for any further information please call 07951 239065 or email Fit n Well, Stone, Staffordshire.

Fit n Well provides Hot Stones Massage in Stone, Staffordshire.